ലോകാ സമസ്താ സുഖിനോ ഭവന്തു:
ആയൂർവിദ്യയും ആത്മീയവരസിദ്ധിയും ലോകനന്മക്ക്

ലോകാ സമസ്താ സുഖിനോ ഭവന്തു:
ആയൂർവിദ്യയും ആത്മീയവരസിദ്ധിയും ലോകനന്മക്ക്


Ayurveda and Ayurvidya

Sayyid Faizal Shihab (Pookoya Thangal)

Sayyid Faizal Shihab (Pookoya Thangal)

Ayurvedic and Traditional Medicine

      The Managing Director of Sadath Ayurveda Research Center, Panakkad, Sayed Faisal Shihab Thangal (Pookkoya Thangal) has a wide range of knowledge inherited from the maternal grand father, Sayed Abdul Kader Mullakkoya Tangal, the renowned physician of his period. He hails from the reputed Panakkad Thangal family hereditary , where the great Sayed Muhlar Shihabuddheen Thangal (PBUH) was the founder father. Sayed Faisal Shihab is the son of Sayed Abdul Kader Mullakkoya (PBUH) and Mariyuma Mulla Beebi in the Valiya Puvvaattum Paramb family. The couple enjoyed the position of spiritual leaders of their time.  

Sayed Faisal Shihab migrated to several places after Sayed Abdul Kader Mullakkoya (PBUHP) sold the family property, and wandered in search of the secrets of Ayuveda although he had sound knowledge of Arabic Ayurveda and Unani treatment through the heritage of maternal and paternal links. He spent lot of time with Adivasis (tribals), Siddhas, Marma Physicians, Unani Physicians etc. to enrich his knowledge. He learned lots of medical preparations.

Arabian Heritage:-

       It is evidenced that the Ayurvidya treatment of Arabia is as old as the time of Sulaiman Nabi  (PBUH). The bedrock of modern Ayurveda or Unani is derived from the principles of Lukhman Ul Hakheem Khoja (PBUH). He was a renowned physician of that time and there are many historical transcripts on his works. Once a leprosy patient approached him and requested for cure from his diseases. He diagnosised and asked him eat wild scorpion which the cobra makes bait. He was confused and disappointed. On his way to home he found a cobra eating a wild scorpion. He killed the cobra and ate the scorpion and suddenly cured from the symptoms. He praised Allah as well as the scholar Lukhman Ul Hakheem.  

The theory later he understood was that all types of wild scorpions are not edible. There are some types of wild scorpions of which a bite could last in sudden death. That was the  

reason he prescribed such a scorpion cobra could eat. He had discovered a lot of such pan- aceas to the mankind. 

Learning from him and his successors, the Thangal pedigree who migrated from Arabia with the ancient Islamic evangelists and spread across the Unani and Ayurvidya doctrines. 

They have contributed for the development of Ayurveda in India from their knowledge and experience. Still the successors are practicing the treatment which is a complex of Arabian Ayurvidya, Unani and Indian Ayurveda.

Mission Our mission is to serve the people without any greediness for their well being. The princi-ples of Arabic and Indian Ayurveda is that treatment is not career. But, it is a teaching from Allah without any monitory ambitions.  

Vision Our vision is to support the entire world for healthy well-being. “Samastha Loko Sukhino  Bhavanthu” is our vision. Healthy people is the asset of a wealth nation. Most of the ailments are resulted from the wrong practices of life style. We have the responsibility for the nation. Healthy people contribute for the nation and unhealthy people destroy the  harmony. We will strive all our efforts for the awareness of the healthy well-being of society.

Objective :-

      Our objective is a well being world and we strive to contribute our little effort to maintain such an atmosphere. We know we are too little to dream such a big global task. But we have faith on like minded philanthropists around us. All religions have preached to help the  victims. Islam considervisiting and praying for the diseased as a ‘farllu’ (duty). Although disease is a warning from Allah, he himself have preached us for the remedy. It is the duty of a physician to recall the diseased from death to life. However, today’s commercialized  culture is preventing us from doing our duty. It is sin to bargain with the diseased for his life.

      But, we have enough examples around us the stories of commercialization. Specialty and  super specialty hospitals are squeezing the public. Their motto is just making money, although the medical ethics do not allow such practices. Allopathic practitioners are wors-ening the arena. However, we have noticed a trend of Ayurvedic practitioners also follow  the suit. In Ayurveda, accepting remuneration or compensation is a sin. They do not practice for monetary benet, but as a duty of their existence. They only accepted ‘dakshina’ or rewards. We also follow the same system to a long extend. We are charging only the cost incurred for the preparation and the raw materials. We uphold our forefathers’ doctrines.  

       We follow all principles in the production of medicines. None of the medicines are prepared using electric energy. Ancient methods are followed to uphold the virginity of the system.  

       Personal care is given all along the preparation of the medicine. The methods of old authentication are strictly followed for the total benet from the medicines. Most of the medicinal plants are grown in our own groves and remaining medicinal plants are bought from dependable farmers after lots of scrutiny. We know that since the unhealthy cultiva-tion and using of non-organic methods, fertilizers and pesticides, the medicinal value of plants have diminished. We are pledged to use only organic plants and medical properties.

Diagnosis :-

        Ayurveda has eight ways to diagnose illness, called Nadi (pulse), Mootra (urine), Mala (stool) , Jihva (tongue), Shabda (speech), Sparsha (touch), Druk (vision), and Aakruti (appearance).  

        Ayurvedic practitioners approach diagnosis by using the ve senses. For example, hearing is used to observe the condition of breathing and speech. The study of the lethal points or marma is of special importance. 

       Ayurveda ourished throughout the Indian Middle Ages. Dalhana (BC. 1200), Sarngadhara (BC. 1300) and Bhavamisra (BC 1500) compiled works on Indian medicine. The medical works of both Sushruta and Charaka were also translated into the Chinese language in the 5th century,and during the 8th century, they were translated into the Arabic and Persian languages. The 9th-century Persian physician Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al-Razi was familiar with the text. The Arabic works derived from the Ayurvedic texts eventually also reached Europe by the 12th century. In Renaissance Italy, the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna) were influenced by the Arabic reception of the Sushruta's surgical techniques.

Upakarma (Treatment) , Langhana (Dipleting), Brimhana (Nourshing), Sodhana (Purication) Samana (Pacifying), Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Vasti (Enema), Nasya (Nasal Medication), Raktamoksha (Blood letting), Pachana (Using digestives), Deepana (Increasing digestive re), Kshut (Hunger), Thrit (Thirst), Vyayama (Excercises), Athapa (Sunlight), Marutha (Wind).

Kayachikitsa (general medicine): "cure of diseases affecting the body".

• Kaumāra-bh tya and Bala Roga: deals with the treatment of children.

• Shalya tantra deals with surgical techniques.

• Śālākya-tantra (ophthalmology) deals with diseases of the teeth, eye, nose, ear etc.

• Bhuta-vidya deals with the causes, which are not directly visible and not directly explained by tridosha, pertaining to micro-organisms or spirits. 

• Agada-tantra deals with antidotes to poison.

• Rasayana-tantra (Geriatrics)/(Anti Agings) : deals with rejuvenation.

• Vajikarana tantra (aphrodisiacs) deals with healthy and desired progeny.

Ayurveda or Ayurvidya :-

      Ayurvidya is the spiritual boon for global well-being. May the entire world be well is its mag- nanimous motto ! Ayurveda is the science of life epoch close to live and soul . Ayurveda experts primarily considered the live and soul as the science of age. It is not a matter how long we live.  

      It matters when we live with the spirits, colour and fragrance spreading around throughout our life. Ayurveda consider the internal and external growth of body. If the internal growth is our-ished, the external sufferings would be minimized. Likely, if the external growth is flourished, the internal growth would be swift . But, the Ayurveda is harmonizing the quintessence of soul and body. Ayurveda literally means the ‘life-knowledge’ is derived from Atharva Veda in Indian system. Ayurveda  names three elemental substances, the doshas (called Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and states that a balance of the doshas results in health, while imbalance results in disease. Ayurveda has eight canonical components . Some of the oldest known Ayurvedic texts include the Suśrutha Samhitā and Charaka Samhitā. Dhanwanthari, Charaka, Agasthya, Susrutha, Nagarjuna etc. are the forefathers of the Ayurveda. The canonical components of Ayurveda are derived from classical Sanskrit literature, in which Ayurveda was called "the science of eight components".

Managing Dierector,

Sayyid Faizal Shihab.P.M

Sadath Ayurvedic Research Centre

Panakkad, Malappuram.

Sayed Faizal Sihab